Saturday, October 11, 2008

101 Things About Me!!

1. I love my kids to death! They are such a joy in my life! I can't imagine life without them!
2. I love to laugh with my mom. Sometimes we laugh until we cry! Its great!
3. One of my favorite things to do with Danny is watch home improvement shows. We are always getting great ideas for when we have our house.
4. I have a really great sense of humor! It's pretty dry so some people might not get it and that's okay!
5. I love my job! I work the funnest girls ever!
6. My dream car is a Cadillac Escalade. I will have one some day!
7. I love music! All kinds. Jessica and I sing our hearts out when we are in the car. Its great fun!
8. My secret crush is Michael Buble`. I love him! I love his music I just love everything about him!!
9. I also love Kid Rock! (I know its the complete opposite from Michael but what can I say)
10. Most of all I love Danny!
11. I love “the Office” Michael Scott is my favorite! The whole show is hilarious!
12. I love “Prisonbreak” Its way intense and good!
13. Elton John is my all time favorite singer. I have had the pleasure of seeing him in concert. It was awesome!
14. I love that I am still my 8 year old son's favorite person! He loves his mom! And I love him!
15. I love that my 2 teenage girls tell me EVERYTHING! Seriously they do! I don't want that to ever change.
16. I am a huge Late Night With David Letterman fan! I have watched him since I was about 11, He is the king of late night in my book.
17. One of my biggest pet peeves is empty ice trays in the freezer!! Haaa! I hate that!
18. I am a romantic! I love it when the boy gets the girl and they live happily ever after! It really can happen!
19. My favorite food is probably bar-b-cue spare ribs. I love seafood too!
20. My favorite actor is... (when I was a teenager it was Sylvester Stallone! That is so funny to me now!) now that I am all grown up I would have to say I love Robert Redford, George Clooney, Johnny Depp, Denzel Washington, Tom Hanks, Jim Carrey, Kevin Costner, John Travolta...... the list goes on
21. For actresses I would have to say... (when I was little Olivia Newton-John was my idol!!!) I love Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock, Susan Sarandon, Catherine Zeta Jones,.... the list goes on
22. As far as movies go.. I love movies! I love comedy's the best. Huge fan of Napoleon Dynamite! Dumb and Dumber is another favorite. I also love a good romance. The Notebook, Return To Me, Shakespeare in Love... the list goes on
23. I am not a fan of soccer but I LOVE David Beckham! (he is a total hottie!)
24. Favorite sport to watch is Football. (NFL not collage) I love the Colts, and I have decided I am a Jets fan too. (yes because of Bret Favre!)
25. I like NBA basketball too. I am starting to get use to the new Jazz team but Karl Malone, John Stockton, and Hornecet will ALWAYS be my favorites!!
26. I love to stay up late and sleep late.
27. I have two pet cats. Samantha my Siamese is 15!! and Neeko is two.
28. I am TERRIFIED of sharks and spiders! I have this reoccurring dream that I am asked to star in the movie Jaws and I just can't do it!
29. I have had to be brave though and kill a big spider to protect my kids!
30. I am a Republican all the way!
31. I think I have a perfect nose.
32. I believe there can be crying in baseball!
33. I agree it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
34. I love to play board games, especially with my kids! (Disney trivia is our favorite.)
35. I admit I can have road rage. I am working on it!
36. I am proud to be an American! I wouldn't choose to live any other place.
37. I am a firm believer in the Constitution of the United States.
38. I feel it is okay to cry yourself to sleep every so often.
39. I believe everyone has the right to have an opinion even it is different than mine!
40. I believe I have a choice in everything I do!
41. I am a good friend.
42. I have overcome a lot of adversity in my life and I am proud of myself for doing so!
43. I would rather pick the phone and call you than write you a letter.
44. I am not afraid to admit I still listen to Michael Jackson. I love his music!
45. I love to give people hugs and kisses! Especially my kids!
46. I like to where make-up
47. My dream vacation would be to take a cruise to Tahiti
48. Everyone should go to Disneyland at least once in there life!
49. I love to get dressed up and go out on the town!
50. I think I am a pretty good cook.
51. I don't believe you can ever have to much sleep!
52. I believe in spankings!
53. I love Edward not Jacob! (all you Twilighters will know what I am talking about!)
54. I love sweet and salty.
55. I don't think there is anything better than a long passionate kiss.
56. People magazine is my favorite!
57. I think ALL babies are cute!
58. I can text message pretty darn fast!
59. Fall is my favorite season.
60. Christmas is my absolute favorite Holiday! I love the whole atmosphere. The decorating, the spirit of giving. Santa Clause, but most of all remembering and celebrating the birth of the Savior.
61. I am so grateful I have been given the opportunity to be a mother! I feel so blessed.
62. I love Fergie!
63. Appen O'Berry is my best friend! We have been friends for about 25 years! She knows EVERYTHING about me. I know EVERYTHING about her. I am lucky to have her in my life!
64. I am not a fan of parades. They are hot and long!
65. I love Nancy Grace! She is a crack up! I love it when she gets all fired up over something.
66. I can't stand hypocrites!
67. I believe EVERYONE deserves to be loved.
68. I think Joe Perry from Aerosmith is the best guitar player to ever live. (Jimmy Page and Eddie VanHalen are a close second)
69. I want to go to New York City before I die!
70. I believe your are only as old as you feel! Age is just a number.
71. I want my kids to stay little! They are growing up to fast!
72. I love to go out to lunch/dinner with my girlfriends.
73. My middle name is Lynn
74. I don't like to be told I can't do something.
75. I can be stubborn. I am WAY better than I used to be. Life is to short!
76. I know ALL the words to the Adams Family theme song. (doesn't everyone?) and the Star Spangle Banner, and The Brady Bunch theme song!
77. I am so grateful for my Mom!
78. I am a huge fan of Elvis!
79. I love to sing karaoke! I am not that good but it is still fun.
80. My favorite day of the week is Friday! TGIF!!
81. I am running out of things to say!
82. I would rather have a chocolate dough nut than a bowl of ice cream.
83. I love classic Rock
84. I love Patsy Cline! She is the greatest country singer ever!!
85. I would love to take a trip and drive up the coast.
86. I love it when my kids call me Mommy!
87. There is nothing better than a good debate with someone! (especially if I win!)
88. I love to go grocery shopping late at night!
89. My favorite Disney character is Mickey Mouse!
90. My maiden name is Johnstun.
91. I love to curl up with a good book! (especially on a rainy day)
92. I think lightening storms are amazing!
93. I prefer Backstreet Boys over N'sync.
94. I believe advice is cheap! (so I do my best not to give any!)
95. I am grateful for my Savior.
96. I had an excellent childhood! (thanks mom!)
97. I am grateful for my family!
98. Life is what we make it!
99. I love to go to Star Bucks! ( I have cut waaay back!)
100. I believe laughter IS the best medicine!
101. I did it! Yahoo!!


The Fowers Clan said...

That is very impressive. I see alot of the same in me and you cousin! Thanks for letting me read 101 things about you. Some I already knew others I didn't and it was fun to learn.

Cassandra said...

I love it! I also tagged you!